
Our Budget

Take a close look at our 2016 budget – and see how far your contributions go!

Nutrition  –  $11,949

Provides food and water, two meals a day and a snack, six days a week for 140 students and staff. Breaks down to about 15 cents a meal per person.

Hamomi Medical Clinic –  $9,792

Our small Medical Clinic provides counseling, social services to seek housing for those without a home, first-aid, regular check-ups, emergency care, preventative care, and HIV/AIDS education for all staff and students. Breaks down to $58 a year per person.

Shoes & Clothes  –  $5,200

We provide a uniform and a more casual tracksuit to each pupil each year. We also provide two pairs of shoes. In addition, traveling volunteers carry donations which are dispersed among our more needy children.

Safety  –  $11,308

Meeting basic needs is inherently linked to creating a safe and nurturing environment. We are located in a relatively high-risk are of Nairobi called Kangemi which requires us to invest in 24-hour security at our gate to ensure the safety of our staff, students and materials.

Total: $38,250